Sunday, August 24, 2008

GASP! No Beer Today!

This weekend has been crazy for my family. My son has moved out of the house to his own apartment, and he will be starting his Junior year of college tomorrow. He was living at home for his first two years, but felt that it was time to step out on his own. Obviously, it's a small step, since he's only an hour from home, but it feels like a huge distance. This event leaves my wife and I as empty-nesters - a title that we're not sure we're ready for. Our daughter was married 10 months ago, so we've had some big life events this past year. With helping my son prepare, move and settle in, we ended up eating fast food most of the weekend, and I think Taco Bell would have had something to say if I brought my own beer with me. So no beer tonight. Maybe we'll be back to something more normal tomorrow.

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